Administrative Support Solutions
Personnel Security and Administrative Support
With 10 years of experience, IDS has the expertise to provide administrative support throughout any phase of your personnel security or investigative program. We offer end to end support in the areas of: adjudicative support, customer service, mail room, data entry and initiation, file and document management, quality review, case closing and everywhere in between. We can provide qualified personnel anywhere in the U.S.
Staffing and Recruiting Solution
IDS Staff will use proven experience and expertise to determine if the candidate meets your organization’s hiring criteria. Using performance-related standards, IDS will carefully screen the applicant’s background and skills to confirm that the candidate has a basic understanding of the position, meets requirements, and possesses the desired qualifications of the job. IDS supports a wide range of programs, and can provide staffing anywhere in the a U.S.
Document Management
IDS’ secure, on site document storage meets federal requirements and ensures protection of confidential and sensitive materials. This service is offered to all clients at no additional cost. Documents are stored on site for a term to be decided by the client or required by document retention policies. At the conclusion of the term, IDS follows strict compliance with federal mandates for destruction of PII and sensitive information through on-site, supervised shredding services. NISPOM Compliant.
Administrative Misconduct
IDS investigative staff will conduct administrative investigations into possible misconduct by employees involving violations of rules, regulations, or law including: absence without leave and attendance irregularities, falsification of documents, conducting personal business during duty hours, fighting, threatening, or using abusive language to coworkers, supervisors, or the public, refusal or failure to follow instructions or procedures, neglect of duty, misuse of vehicles, off duty conduct resulting in arrest or conviction, sexual harassment, falsification of an application for employment, intoxication or consumption of alcohol or drugs while on duty, and/or prohibited political activity.
Attrition Risk Screening
Highly effective and with proven success in dramatically reducing rates of voluntary and involuntary attrition, IDS’ proprietary pre-screening solution will assist in identifying a potential risk at the beginning of the hiring process. IDS’ approach is based on data secured from the screening process to evaluate whether the applicant is at risk of leaving the job within the first 6 months.
Adjudicative Support Solutions
Uncovering the facts in a background investigation is just half of the equation. Making the right hiring decision based on those facts is just as important. IDS can assist you in standardizing the adjudicative process, while allowing you to make hiring decisions with confidence. IDS provides adjudicative support to our clients by offering a proprietary automated decision-making tool based on the Federal adjudicative guidelines used in national security clearance decisions.
- Provides a reference guide to act on unfavorable information developed in the investigation
- Defines and outlines adjudicative criteria
- Follows federal adjudicative guidelines
- Ensures all issues are fully addressed and mitigated
- Focused Subject Interviews/Written Statements
- Source Testimony Verification
- Continuous Evaluation
- Post Investigative Fieldwork
Our Clients Include

IDS is Proud to be a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Small Business of the Year Awardee!